2D Elastography SWE SSI Courses

The courses will be weekly, theoretical and practical, will have a total time load of 10 hours, and will be held from Monday to Friday from 11 am to 1 pm.

Av. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz 1618, Palermo Soho, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Limited vacancies


Professor Dr. Cesar Eisner
1st Class
2D Elastography SWE SSI general concepts and physical principles.

2st Class
2D Elastography SWE SSI Hepatic-echodoppler in portal hypertension.

3st Class
2D Elastography SWE SSI multiparameter thyroid, lymph node and salivary glands.

4st Class
2D Elastography SWE SSI multiparameter breast, uterine and ovarian.

5st Class
2D Elastography SWE SSI multiparametric prostatic penile and testicular.

Information and registration

Av. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz 1618 3º "A". CABA
Phine (+54 9 11) 28784060
E-mail info@shockwaveargentina.com
Website www.shockwaveargentina.com
Opening Hours Monday to Friday from 9 am to 15 pm

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