Two-dimensional Supersonic Shear Wave Elastography (2D-SWE SSI) or cut wave, is a method of diagnosis Non-Operator Dependent, incorporated into a state-of-the-art ultrasound scanner, which allows qualitatively (in a range of colors) and quantitatively (in kilopascals or meters/second) the degree of stiffness of the tissues.

It is based on the measurement of the transverse attenuation velocity of the ultrasound in a given area where, at greater speed, greater rigidity. And, in turn, to greater rigidity, greater presumption of malignancy or degree of fibrosis of a tissue. For more information, you can contact our Department of Teaching and Research

Elastografías 2D-SWE SSI
Differential non-invasive diagnosis between tumor benignity and malignacy in: breast, thyroid, parathyroid, liver, páncreas, spleen, uterus, ovaries, kidneys, bladder, prostate, penis, testes, lymph nodes, salivary glands, adrenal glands, muscles, subcutaneous fat, etc.

Follow –up of treatments: shock waves, chemotherapy, phisiotherapy, radiotheraphy, etc.

Diagnosis of the degree of fibrosis in: hepatitis crónicas, enfermedad de Peyronie, lesiones músculo-tendinosas, etc.

Control evolutivo de patologías: chronic hepatitis, Peyronie´s disease, muscle-tendon injuries, etc.

Evolutionary control of pathologies: solid or cistic tumors, hematomas, abscesses, contractures, etc. Reduction of number of biopsies: to characterize the patologies by their elastographic value (for example: BIRADS 3←→4 breast nodules, liver fibrosis, prostatic nodules, thyroid nodules, lymph nodes, etc.) Greater specificity and early diagnosis: when it is combined simultaneously with 2D ultrasound and Angio-Plus color doppler (for example in: ovaries, prostate, thyroid, breast, etc). Assessment of muscle condition: to be able to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the physiopathological conditions of each muscle independently.





tutorial videos
Elastographies: Conceptos generales
Elastographies: Fundamentos
Elastographies: General
Elastographies: Gineco-Mamaria